Achievable action through making and creativity.
[Project in collaboration with Cara Tarmey]
Our project centers around empowering makers to take action and create achievable change around social, political, and environmental issues they care about. Make/Do is essentially a system and tool for everyday activism through making. In an overstimulated world where everything seems to be escalating, we wanted to create a project that goes beyond being reactionary. We explored the feeling of hopelessness that paralyzes us and the actions we can take in our everyday lives to do something about it. In our research, we discovered that creating narratives is an effective method to humanize problems. Through the three steps of Processing, Making, and Sharing, we can create work that has a call to action and a purpose.
Through our historical research, interviews, and by dissecting examples, we found that Narrative plays a pivotal role in making information engaging. We define narrative as a story that actively and personally tells why you should care about something.
Through our historical research, interviews, and by dissecting examples, we found that Narrative plays a pivotal role in making information engaging. We define narrative as a story that actively and personally tells why you should care about something.